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Healthy Weight loss & Maintenance the Natural Way

It can be pretty hard shedding those extra few pounds in our busy day to day lives, but don’t fret, there is a natural way.

With the help of a unique blend of 9 traditional herbs and teas, weight loss and maintenance can be naturally promoted through an increase in metabolism and fat burn, a decrease of water retention and bloating, detoxification of the body and a reduction of appetite and craving.

Detox & Reduction of Water Retention

The very first step in a achieving successful long-term weight loss & maintenance is by ensuring good health through a good detox. Detoxing can help our bodies function better – increasing natural weight loss, energy levels and reducing water retention.

Rooibos New


Detoxifies Liver, Better Heart Health & Blood Sugar levels

Marshmallow Root

Reduces Appetite, Detoxify colon


Reduces Water Retention, Detoxify Colon
Buckthorn Bark

Buckthorn Bark

Detoxify Blood

Reduction of Craving & Appetite

One of the main reasons for weight gain is overeating, these three herbs help reduce both appetite and craving by promoting a feeling of fullness and satiety.



Reduces Craving
Slipper Elm

Slippery Elm

Reduces Craving

Marshmallow Root

Reduces appetite, Detoxify colon

Increased Fat Burn & Metabolism

While a good diet and plenty of exercise is key to weight loss & maintenance, sometimes we just need an extra push to help us shed those stubborn pounds. Bitter Orange & Coriander can help accelerate our weight loss efforts by naturally stimulating fat burn, increasing metabolism and reducing fat storage.

Bitter Orrange

Bitter Orange

Stimulates Fat Burn


Increases Metabolism
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Sleep & Relaxation

Stress Relief & Better Sleep

Stress and a lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain in many people. Chamomile has strong calming properties that helps to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep and reduce bloating.